the Shapeshifter. I coach creatives.

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Nirvana’s Nevermind. 30 years old. Bonkers. I could go on about the formative nature of the album, but instead I’d just like to put Kurt aside for a bit (sorry) and deviate back to coaching world. and share with you a bit about the Nirvana Letter* Ever felt duped? Come on, stick with me. Or watch this The way a Nirvana Letter works is that you project 20 or 30 years into the future and allow yourself to day dream that you found the perfect life.. Yep, full permission to say, ‘I cracked it. I have it all and life could not be better’. You are then invited to put this state of bliss on paper in the form of a letter to a friend. (Artistic licence granted because in real life telling a friend how perfect yours is, might not, to put it politely, sit too well.)  In this letter, you carefully roll back the years and explore in vivid detail, the twists and decisions that led you to your nirvana. You describe your family, your career your interests, until finally you land back in the present. It’s a simple and a powerful way to see if there are any changes you can make right now, that could help you get that bit closer to fulfilling a dream life. Or, put simply, why just ‘Come As You Are’ when you can come as who you really want to be.

 *Tom Preston, Coach Yourself to Success.